Though the concept of gender equality mainly revolves around women empowering, this one is for the boys, for the men, and for the he or his.
In this post, I would like to highlight and raise awareness on harassments experienced by the guys. It is without a doubt that sexual harassment is nothing sort of a simple case experienced, it brings not only pain but also everlasting image to oneself. Yes, it happens to all, regardless of gender, sexuality, age, the clothes worn, none are protected from the predators whom are often excused by the society. One question, are you even human dear victim blamers?
As mentioned, harassment does happen to the men regardless of by whom, but none of this are ever highlighted by the society. on what excuse is this ever allowed? one lacks masculinity? one with high sexual drive? one with different sexuality? one with abundant curiosity? NONE of this is or anything at all should ever be a reason for harassment to happen.
this is written to all and sundry, to make all realize that it happens, IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO, no such things ever should anyone experience. though it happens and many realizes it, why does people still turn a blind eye to it? should one experience it first hand before being able to raise awareness against it? or should one close to you?
even as it happens, some victim blames it, they insult the victim instead, they questions them instead. please give them support , help them, raise awareness on it instead, how could one ever blames the clothes, the sexuality, the gender, the attitude, instead of the doer? DO NOT question the details if it blinds you from the truth.
He is asleep, He is someone I am close to, He is gay, He was asking for it, I was drunk. NO!! no excuses should be accepted nor forgiven. keep your hands, your lips, your member and all of you away from him, from her, from anyone that you could victimize
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