Monday, December 14, 2020

Self-Care Important for Man too!

This is an article from International Self-Care Foundation (ISF).

This article corrected my misconception on what "self-care" actually is. "Self-care" is actually describe as a person-centered way of maintaining our health, wellness, and wellbeing. There are 7 pillars of self-care which are:

1. Knowledge and Health Literacy
2. Mental Wellbeing
3. Physical Activity
4. Healthy Eating
5. Risk Avoidance 
6. Good Hygiene
7. Rational Use of Product and Services

"Self-care is equally important for MEN and WOMEN."
In the self-care field, men's health are generally overlooked. Average life expectancy at birth for male is 70 while for female is 75 and the the 'sex-gap' keep on widening. Improved men's self-care practices  would result in better health for men. Yet, there are barriers which halt men from improving Their self-care — male gender norm, lack on policy focus on men, and health services that have been designed without men in mind.

"Men with good skin are soft"

"Men who is hygienic aren't real men"

Tough guy can have good skin too.

Tough guy can have skincare routine too.

Men can diet too.

Men are hygienic too.

Men eat supplement for maintaining health too.

So, what is you opinion?

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